Introduction to Portraiture

Portraiture is a staple of photography.

Notably most popular of the styles of photography out there, capturing the character of what it means to be human has been the photographer’s challenge for hundreds of years.

Humanity has been documenting portraitures for generations.




Image may contain: 1 person, camera and closeup


From cave drawings to Instagram selfies, Portraiture takes on dozens of roles and styles.

In this unit, we will learn a short introduction to two main styles of portraiture (candid and posed) and experiment with photographing ourselves in natural light and in the studio).

Download the Class Notes here: portraits

Your assignment: (worksheet found on my desk)

Name: ___________________________


Your partner will be taking your portrait.
They will be choosing the pose and location.


Step 1: Interview your partner and answer the questions:

Partner’s Name: ________________


  • How would you describe yourself in three words?
  • What do you want to be when you “grow up”?
  • Do you have a more serious or goofy personality?
  • What type of magazines and books do you like to read?
  • Favorite character from any novel / TV show / game / film?
  • If you could choose any prop or background (with no budget limitations), what would you choose?

Step 2: Plan the portrait you want to create for your partner:


  • Select a mood:
  • Choose a location (studio, outside, indoors):
  • Choose a background (wall, backdrop, plant, ect.)
  • Describe the position / pose: (candid or posed?). Do some reseach online, first!:
  • Choose a prop (optional):