My Aldergrove

Think of a place that you are most comfortable in. It could be a room, a building, a location (backyard or a specific path you walk regularly), or something specific like a spot in a hallway or a particular couch.

Keep that place in mind and reflect in your journal:

  1. What is the place you are thinking about? Describe it with as much detail as you can remember. (You may also take a picture and paste it in your journal).
  2. Why is this place so important to you? What is its history (how did you come about to loving this place so much?)
  3. Does this place exist anymore?
    If not, what happened?
    If it does how often do you visit it?


Part B:
My Aldergrove

Assignment: Photograph a location important to you. 
Style of photography: documentary / landscape
Size: two 5 x 7″ photographs (can be the same location but needs to be different image i.e.: different angle, perspective, panorama – so the images connect).

Subject Matter: A place / location / object important to you, here in this school. 
Choose from the following options. You may mix and match, if you like:

  • A Room / Classroom you particularly like or have a strong memory or relationship with a specific teacher.
  • A space in the school (hang-out place, lunch eating spot, study spot, something you just particularly enjoy about it, somewhere you pass everyday).
  • An object you regularly interact with (totem pole, basketball court, your special table in a classroom, a window you stare at as you daydream when class is boring)

Note: this is NOT a photo assignment about people. No friends / teachers, this time round.


Email Artist Statement:

  • Email me an artist statement on their Aldergrove Assignment PLEASE hand this in!
    a short summary of your work. Make sure to include:
    1. The title of the work
    2. Identify Location / Object / Person
    3. Your personal connection and history with this photograph
    4. Why is this subject matter important to you being a student here at ACSS?