Photo I

Welcome to the Fabulous World of Photography!

Whether you are brand new and never touched a camera or you have a bit more understanding under your belt this is a great beginner’s class to learn the basic of Photography and Camera functions.

First things first:

I’ll use a lot of Photography Lingo in this course.
Don’t worry if this doesn’t mean much right now, we will go over it all in the future.
Make sure to download / print / grab my resources and cheat sheets:

Photo cheat sheet – A great beginner’s guide to ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed.

Visual Journal Layouts – Useful for your journals; gives them a visual kick 😉


Yes, there is also a Visual Journal for this class.
It is in here you will take notes, record ideas, paste test-strips and practice prints

Unit 1 – Introduction / Darkroom

Take a Photo of…. Subject Matter
Take a Photo of…. Subject Matter II
The Selfie Project
My Aldergrove

Unit 2 – The Elements of Design
Color & Texture
Shape & Form

Unit 3 – Darkroom 101

The Rule of Thirds
distressed Negatives

Unit 4 – Portraiture
Introduction to Portraiture

Unit 5 – Fashion
Introduction to Fashion Photography
The Modern Fairy Tale