Subject Matter II

subject matter 2

Before we start:
Please Add these two terms into your journal, today:

#1 Subject Matter:

The main focus of your image / what the image is about. Usually an object, person, mood, or concept.

#2 Frame

Everything in the photograph, from top to bottom; left to right.

A frame has two styles of Orientation:

Image result for portrait orientation

Portrait Way: faces (1 person), long and lean structures, close ups of 1 thing.

Landscape Way: Landscape, nature, group shots, many objects

You can use your camera either way! Experiment and play around with how you want your picture to look.

Take a picture of…. Subject matter 2


Today I am going to ask you to take 10 photographs of the same object.
You may use any object you like – something you own or something you find in this classroom.



  1. One location. No changing backgrounds!
  2. Place your subject somewhere and don’t move it. You are the one who moves!
  3. Get creative. Get close to your subject. Be careful of what is included in the frame.




  1. Head On – So the subject fits the frame, nicely.
  2. Bird’s Eye (From Above)
  3. Worm’s Eye (very low looking up)
  4. Angled / Diagonal
  5. Close up to part of the image
  6. Long Shot (from a far distance)
  7. Subject fills 2/3 of the frame
  8. Subject fills 1/3 of the frame
  9. Subject fills entire frame
  10. Your Choice!