Take a photo of….

Download the assignment to your phone, here!

You will be taking a total of 10 photos today.
Do NOT use photos you’ve previous taken.

The purpose of this assignment is to be in the moment.

For the following photographs, use your phone to capture a subject matter that follows the guidelines below. Remember, you are more than welcome to choose a person(s), object, mood, or scene for your subject matter.

I will choose 3 random photos and ask you to email them to me for check-in by the end of class. So use your time, wisely.

Get creative with your images! Feel free to edit before sending to me!!

Time to be back in class:
C-Block: 11:40
B- Block 1:30


Today’s Vocabulary:

Subject Matter.

I use this word A LOT.

Subject matter means what your photo is about, or the most dominant feature in your photo – it is meant to be the main part of your photo.

Subject matter can be a person, object, landscape, or even abstract concepts like mood, emotion,  and feelings.


Blueberries;  Cat;   Couple / Love;  Sadness / Fear

Please photograph the following images:

A. Take a photo of something you think is pretty.

B. Take a photo of something that is colorful.

C. Take a photo of something that is something you really like.

D. Take a photo of something that represents who you are as an individual.

E. Take  photo of your favorite place at ACSS (please don’t bother other classes or go off campus too far)

F. Take a photo of something that represents “back to school.”

G. Take a photo of something really close up (so it’s hard to tell what the object is)

H. Take a photo of something you use everyday.

I. Take a photo of something that is alive.

J. Take a photo of something that makes you happy.