The Modern Fairy Tale

Image result for grace coddington photography

Fashion Photography (or any planned photography in general) can be so much more than click and shoot!

For your last assignment we will be taking inspiration from the documentary, “The September Issue” and create photographs based on Grace Coddington’s work.

Grace, as creative director of Vogue Magazine, has been the creative influence behind some of Vogue’s greatest and strongest scenes. Blending imagination, fashion, planning, and strong photography skills, Grace has achieved some fantastic work that is narrative in nature and also wonderfully well crafted.


Using a story, fairy tale, folktale, nursery rhyme, or poem choose a scene from the narrative to capture through photography.

You will:

  • Create 1 8×10 print featuring a scene from a story
  • Choose a model pose (3/4 or full body) * you may have more than 1 model!*
  • Use 35mm film

You can:

  • Work in pairs or small teams. (please produce separate prints)
  • Photograph anywhere (make sure you have good light!)

You should:

  • Have a plan
  • Be creative with clothing and make-up (remember this is fashion inspired!)

modern fairy tale rubric