There’s a (super) hero in all of us

Over the past 60 years or so, artists have been creating characters that have touched the hearts of children and adults, alike.

From Stan Lee’s Spiderman to Shultz’s Charlie Brown, we can all connect to at least 1 character that resonates with us on a deeper emotional level.


Step 1:

I’d like you to find a character that suits your personality. Please choose a well known cartoon / animation / anime / manga/ comic / video game character who embodies you be it in personality, narrative, interests, aesthetics, or maybe you’ve always wanted the ability to shoot fire.

Image result for snoopy

Step 2:

Try to find artwork that you could print out to make an outlined stencil of your character. Make sure your image is recognizable! Some characters when you just draw their outline might not be clear to the viewer.

Step 3:

Send me an image of your character to print. I will size properly.
Cut out so you have a cut-out of your character.

Step 4:

Find a magazine image from this classroom OR a background image we can print that connects to your character in some way.
For example: if you chose SpongeBob, you might use a aquatic / underwater image.

Some Notes when choosing a background: 

Paper- Print background will turn out a bit softer (blurred) but still be more easier to read.

Magazine image background will turn out more abstractly because there will be two images overlapping from both sides of the paper.

Step 5:

Take you cutout and trace over it on your background image.
Cut out  (this is what we will use to make our photogram.)

Step 6:

Print a photogram in the darkroom (selected image side up!) by placing your magazine stencil on top of photo paper. When you print the image will somewhat transferred through to the photo paper.